Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Keloid, It's growing!

After I told my husband that my scar is growing. He did not believe me so I have to do something to prove this. You can see from the photos that my scar is growing vertically. Part of it because of steroid injection I got. If the injection is too close to the border of the keloid, it would make the keloid spread. Usually inexperienced doctors often make this mistake and won't admit it. My mom has taken me to plastic surgeon since I was 10. I have had several injections from many doctors. Many of them caused the keloid to spread. I can already tell from the first injection if the doctor really knows what's he or she doing.

{click on the photo to see it large!}

Aug 22-Sep 10 - after a couple injections and lasers I got in Santa Monica. Did not work well with this doctor. His injection caused the keloid to spread. I decided to stop the treatment with him. 

Oct 22 - after a couple steroid injections I got in Thailand during my vacation. Really good doctor! Amazing result!! The bottom and middle areas are completely flat. Too bad I can't go back there every month. 

Dec 10 - The doctor in Thailand refers me to this new doctor I'm seeing in Pasadena. So I'm going to see how this works. This photo has taken after one steroid injection and couple more ultrasounds. The top part is still spreading. I need to show this photos to the doctor. 

1 comment:

  1. A keloid will tan darker than the skin around it if presented to sun amid the principal year after it frames. The darker shading may not leave. Keloids Symptoms include: Pigmentation of the skin, Irritation, Pain, Affectability, Redness, etc.
